More Than Meets the Eye, True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife covers many aspects of the dying and grieving process and sheds light on euthanasia, suicide, near-death experience, and spirit visits after the passing of a loved one. ___________________________________________

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Preface for More Than Meets the Eye

I wrote this book to help people prepare for a peaceful and successful transition, to alleviate the fear associated with the dying process and to remind us to make the most of our very precious lives.

Although I have had a few “close calls” with death, I do not a consider myself to be an expert in the field of dying or afterlife research. However, I have always been intrigued by the mystery of crossing over to the Other Side. As a child it was common for my parents to take me with them to Lownde's Funeral Home when someone from our church died. The experience did not upset me. In fact, I actually enjoyed trying to read the cursive writing on those tiny cards tucked between the mums and roses! I felt peaceful with the soft music and floral-scented atmosphere as I pretended to be Goldilocks trying out all the different chairs in the parlor. I can remember sitting in church and listening to the preacher talk about Heaven. If Heaven is so wonderful, I reasoned in my young mind, why are people so sad when someone dies and goes there?

As a young adult, I watched my family deal with our own critically ill loved ones, and was again puzzled by their hesitancy to let them go. As an adult, I enjoy strolling through old cemeteries and reading the headstones of the dearly departed. I daydream about what each person was like while living and wonder what they are doing in the Afterlife or if they have returned for another stint on Earth. These experiences and my desire to help others overcome their fear of death have been a catalyst for writing this book. More Than Meets the Eye is not an authority on death and afterlife. It is simply a collection of stories people have shared with me, as well as a few of my own observations, opinions and experiences thrown in for good measure.

Some who read this book may soon be preparing for a transition to the Afterlife. Others may be caregivers, friends or family of a critically ill patient who is near the end of this life, or has recently passed. Others may have experienced a close brush with death and then lived to tell about it. I am indeed grateful to the people who shared their experience with me during the writing of this book. I trust that the stories will offer hope and yes, even excitement, when you help a loved one pass, or when you face your own transition.

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