More Than Meets the Eye, True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife covers many aspects of the dying and grieving process and sheds light on euthanasia, suicide, near-death experience, and spirit visits after the passing of a loved one. ___________________________________________

Monday, November 24, 2008

Going Home

Nanny is at home now. Mom and I swap nights keeping the baby monitor in our room to listen for Nanny. That way we get a good night's rest every other day. I know Mom needs my help, but after spending almost a week away, I've got to get back home this weekend while I have a ride. I hate to leave Mom with this situation to deal with, but I need to tend to my writing business. I'll be back for Thanksgiving less than two weeks away.

I've reconnected with my aunt Kathryn (Kat as we call her) while I've been here. She is ready for her transtition to the Afterlife. I didn't know she was so spiritually open until we started talking about the CBS show the Ghost Whisperer. We both love that show, but somehow missed the Friday night episode while caring for Nanny. Kat and I found the episode online and watched it. Afterward, I told her that when she got to the Other Side, she'd better not throw apples, forks, or dishes at me, but that I do want her to let me know how she is doing. We will come up with a sign or symbol to give that message.


I'm back at home in Nashville where I've been catching up on my work. I had over 1,000 emails to answer and client work to to respond to.

I've kept in touch with my aunt Kat by email nearly everyday since leaving GA. It tires her to talk so I don't call her on the phone. We've decided that a cameo or silhouette will be our sign when she reaches the afterlife. I fully expect to see some indication that she is trying to communicate with me. Who knows how long she will be with us? Unlike when my grandfather was ill, this time I will not pull away in fear. I will face this boldly and be of whatever service I can to the one who is passing. The doctor says Kat has six to eight months left to live. Who knows? Cancer can't be put on our time schedule. She could have years or maybe only days. We will all pass at some time or another. Nanny may go before Kat. I could go before either of them.

We can't pretend that there isn't an elephant in our living room. I know it is a sensitive issue, but I'm not afraid to talk about it. Kat sure seems to appreciate someone to talk with openly. We even laugh about it at time. I forgot how much I loved her. We were close when I was a teenager. It is so nice to be in touch with her again.

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