sorrow comes to all,
that you will ever feel better.
to make this statement
— Abraham Lincoln
Are You Afraid of Dying? Do You Need Comfort After the Loss of a Loved One? Find insight and peace about the mysterious process of transitioning to the Other Side.
With the spiritual awakening that has occurred in our society in the past couple of decades, it seems to be more commonplace to talk about near-death experiences. The subject of NDEs has always been met with controversy, but they are not a new “trend” as some might suppose. Jackie Marten, a woman who is now 88 years old, shares an experience that occurred in 1952:
When my youngest son was six I had a spell that nearly killed me. The doctor told my family that if I lived until morning I might have a chance to make it. He said that there were only two cases in Georgia of this condition and the other woman did not survive. During the night I had what I thought was a dream. The angels lifted me from my body and took me out of the house and laid me down in a sandy spot in my front yard. Two white doves came and stayed with me all night. They were talking to me in a language I couldn’t understand. I could hear voices far away, and I saw a crowd of people wearing white robes who all looked the same. Without using words I asked the doves, “Where is my white robe?”
Light Language Emerging ~ Activating Ascension Codes & Integrating Body, Soul, and Spirit
Light is the language of the creator. When spoken verbally, light language can create, bring a message, blessing, or healing as a response to a request a soul has made. Old thoughts, beliefs, and behavior patterns are housed in the subconscious and our DNA. Our DNA also holds light codes of the original Adam (perfect divine human). When activated, these codes can override and reprogram old beliefs and patterns that keep the body, mind, and emotions sick and in disrepair. Learn how light language can help activate these codes.